Design the relationships you love

The Relationship Design Process

The first two steps - Discover and Define - are about revealing the habitual patterns in our relating with ourselves and others. The third step – Develop - is all about re-patterning. What do I want instead of what does not work in my relationships? Or, what do I want more from what works already? The fourth step – Deliver – is about experimenting in a relationship with a partner. When defining these four steps we are mindful that the process is not linear. The understanding of iterations in developing relationships is very important – we can try what we want to shift in our relationship first in the safety of the Relationship Design Circle (see the figure below) and then apply it in the world of our real relationships.

The Relationship Design Circles

Intercultural Relationship Design Circle which is focused (even if not exclusively) on how our cultural, religious, ethnic, educational diversity shapes our relationship.

These Relationship Design Circles are run both in personal and professional context.

These small groups are seven week containers where we follow the four steps of the 4D design model. Over 6 weeks there are 6 live 90 min Zoom calls. Additionally, the participants have the opportunity to follow daily prompts on a dedicated WhatsApp thread.

Working on relationships in the Relationship Design Circles has the advantage of belonging to a small group, being witnessed and receiving reflections from the fellow participants and from a Relationship Therapist/Coach who is facilitating the Circle.

The Relationship Design Circles are not group therapy. However, they are a Therapeutic Space – confidential, non-judgemental, open and safe.

The Spring Clean Circle (Running in March and April) – The theme of this Relationship Design Circle is bringing new fresh energy of the spring into our existing relationships and our intentions to bring new relationships into our lives. 

The upcoming Spring Clean Circle 2024 is running on the following dates:

March 12th, 19th and 26th and Arpil 9th, 16th and 23rd –

The Closing Cycles Circle (Running in November and December)

At an end of an year there is a natural inclination to think about the time that has past. What did it bring to us? What do we want to keep? What do we want to let go of before the year is gone? Are there relationships or any aspects of them that we would rather leave in the year that is about to end.